Welcome to BIH’s Porsche for Kids!
We are Tom Targa and Tina Turbo and we are happy that you’ve joined us here.
Below you will find some fun and creative Porsche-themes crafts. These items were developed for children aged 5 -13 years, teenagers and their parents.

PCA Juniors Coloring Pages
The PCA Juniors program has worked with coloring book illustrator Fireball Tim (www.FireballTim.com) to create custom coloring sheets for you to download and enjoy. PCA Juniors is a program for Porsche enthusiasts under age 18. If you are a PCA member, you can sign up your child, grandchild, niece or nephew for PCA Juniors!
Porsche AG Coloring Pages
Younger children can also indulge in coloring activities with Porsche’s Coloring Pages as well. Download the Porsche Coloring Sheet — click on the image, print, then color!
Build Your Own Paper Porsche
Ask your parents to print out these cut-outs, then ask them to assist you with the cutting and folding to build your first paper Porsche.
Explore More with Porsche’s 4Kids
Check out Porsche’s multi-media activities at www.Porsche4Kids.com