About Big Island Hawaii Region

Big Island Hawaii Region’s Beginings
In 2015, then President of PCA’s Hawaii Region, Ellen Liddle, was Hawaii Region’s Membership Chair and suggested approaching Gunner Mench as Liaison for the Club, in an attempt to expand outreach of the club past the island of Oahu, where almost all of the Region’s members lived. In 2015 the Big Island had 12 members. On the island of Maui, membership had grown to 30+ members.

Big Island Hawaii Become Its Own Region
In February of 2018, the Big Island Hawaii Region was chartered as the 144th Region in the Porsche Club of America. Membership initially was around 50 members. By the end of the first year, membership rose to 106 Members total, and currently at the end of the first full year, 2019, there are 96 Primary and 49 Affiliate Members of the club, for a total of 145 Members. Gunner is worked diligently to recruit new members and organize the club to ensure its existence and continuation as a viable Region in the Porsche Club of America. Please find attached a link to the Big Island Hawaii Region – Bylaws.
Hawaii : The Big Island

Big Island Hawaii Membership Demographics
BIH Members in Districts
Gender Statistics
Age Demographics

PCA-Big Island Hawaii Region’s Mission
The purpose of the Club is to bring together drivers of Porsche vehicles. Club membership will promote camaraderie among its members, provide information on brand vehicles, and organize recreational meetings, events, and excursions. In the past two years, the Club has developed many activities for its members. Highly recognized events include our Annual Sweetheart Drive and the OktoberFest event. Recreational outings are designed to get to know our Island and strengthen the links among Porsche car users and to promote camaraderie among the members.

The club continues to provide its partners high-quality services by generating events that satisfy without exception by respecting the tradition and prestige of the brand and Porsche products while interacting with related clubs and the community in a respectful and proactive manner.
Additionally, the Club is committed to integrate and interact respectfully with those communities that we visit, trying to approach them in an open and informal way. We want the communities to enjoy the presence of the Club wherever we go. The Big Island Hawaii Region of the Porsche Club of America also carries out awareness actions among its associates in order to inculcate a prudent use of its vehicles and the unrestricted respect of the traffic regulations.